children and rights, in japanese
Japan-version of CRC. Japanese headline-text
Japanese version of United Nations: The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Japanese, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Preamble 1(2)
Japanese, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Preamble 2(2) Japanese, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 1-3
Article 4 - 54   forward, next japanese page forward, next japanese page
United Nations Convention
The International Contract, top Multilingual Documents UDHR, Japanese
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Preamble + Article:  1 - 3  4 - 9   10 - 17   18 - 22   23 - 26   27 - 29 
     30 - 37   38 - 41   42 - 45   46 - 54 
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