United Nations Convention
Japan-version of CRC. Japanese headline-text
Japanese version of United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child    Article 10 - 17
Convention on the Rights of the Child for Japan. Japanese text, Article 10-12
Convention on the Rights of the Child for Japan. Japanese text Article 12

Convention on the Rights of the Child for Japan. Japanese text, Article 13-15 Convention on the Rights of the Child for Japan. Japanese text, Article 16 - 17
Article 18 - 54   forward, next japanese page forward, next japanese page
United Nations
The International Contract, top Multilingual Documents UDHR, Japanese
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Preamble + Article:  1 - 3  4 - 9   10 - 17   18 - 22   23 - 26   27 - 29 
     30 - 37   38 - 41   42 - 45   46 - 54 
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