![Human Rights / Children's Rights Across the World](../../../images/boes_org_1.jpg)
From Despair to Hope
Start date for Darrelle "Dajed's" Internet Lifeline
May - September, Update Page nr 1 of 2.
May 6, 2001
Next Update Page
Rotary, New Jersey, USA, did access to the BOES.ORG website and checked this new Internet Lifeline, from May 6.
After a quick decision an e-mail was sent back to BOES.ORG
From Gift of Life, Rotary U.S. district 7490, to BOES.ORG
"It looks to be a feasible case. There is other information I am going
to need, a copy of the an ECHO cardiogram videotape, and basic info Child's name,
address, DOB, doctor's contact info...."
"If it is medically possible to help Darrelle, consider it
done. She is in good hands now."
From Darrelle's, "Dajed's", mother Jennifer Montojo:
"Thank you very much for uploading Dajed's case to your website and for referring us to your parter organization. I never thought that a serious group like the Rotary Gift of Life Foundation would
be willing to help my daughter, this is the answer to all our prayers. ."
"Words are not enough to express our gratitude for your sincerity in helping my daughter. The Lord will surely bless you and your group. God bless."
From Gift of Life. Rotary U.S:
"Your chart has been accepted."
"Once we recieve the echocardiogram, our
doctors will make a final desicion as to what the best medical option will be
and will book a date for you to come."
From Jennifer Montojo to Rotary:
"We were deeply touched when we received your e-mail. The Lord has sent you to us just at the right time when we've almost given up searching for a sponsor. Thanks for being an instrument in helping extend my daughter's life."
From Jennifer M. to BOES.ORG Children's Rights Across the World
"Dear Mr. Sandberg, My heart is overwhelmed with gladness everytime I receive e-mails from you and Ms. Topp. I'm so glad to know that Montefiore Med. Center had found the best medical option for Dajed - a valve homograft. I don't know how to repay all of you for being instruments in giving my daughter a bright hope and future."
"About your request for a detailed update during our US-visit, I will be more than willing to provide all information to you. May the positive result of Dajed's surgery be an inspiration to millions of people to continue to support and help suffering children from across the world."
"The Lord will surely bless your org. and all the people behind it".
June 18. Before a date for cardiac can be pointed out, some completing tests are ordered by the doctors in the U.S. These tests are now ongoing, by doctors at Philippine Children's Medical Center.
June 26. From Erica, Rotary 7490 Gift of Life, to Dajed's mother.
"Dajed's admission date into the hospital is 9/25. A catherization on 9/26 and
probable surgery on 9/27. You can book your flights for anytime between 9/18
and 9/23. Please let me know and send a copy of your itinarary. I will have
the visa letters sent to you in the next few days via express mail."
July 11. From Erica, Rotary 7490 Gift of Life, to Dajed's mother.
"Dajed has been sponsored by the Manchester Regional High School Interact Club."
"Our Rotary district consists of 52 clubs plus approximately 40 Interact clubs. Interact is the Rotary club for the high school level."
"The child then is hosted by one of their members families. Members of the club may visit at home and at the hospital."
August 19. From Dajed's mother, Quezon City, to BOES.ORG
"Dear Mr. Sandberg,
Dajed's story will be featured on the front page of a
leading newspaper in the Philippines, the Philippine
Daily Inquirer. In a close future you can read the article at
www.inq7.net "
"The visa letter from Dr. Issenberg
will be arriving on Aug. 22 and we're set for an
interview. Hope all is well with you and your family. God bless.
August 28. From Dajed's mother, to BOES.ORG
"I'm so sorry for not updating you for quite a while, we just came back from the hospital where Dajed was confined for 15 days. She was diagnosed for acute gastro enteritis, a viral infection which was air-borne. She lost her appetite for 2 weeks and lost 2 kls. There were no signs of dehydration and other complications. She has not fully recovered yet because it will take time for her intestines to heal (post enteritis). She was discharged last Thursday, she has been eating well for 4 days now.
Dajed weighs 16 kls and stands 36 inches tall, just to give you an idea how big she is now.
"Our schedule for an interview with the U.S. Consular Officer is on Sept.4. We've received the visa letter from Gift of Life however the US Embassy here required us to bring a proof of our arrangements with the US facility, so I requested Erica to send a medical certificate from Dr. Issenberg/Montefiore Medical Center."
"Dajed's story has already spread by word of mouth and parents of children with CHDs started to contact us asking for info. on internet lifeline, particularly about your website and Gift of Life. We feel that this is an avenue to share God's goodness to them and we're glad that we became instruments in helping those who have similar situation like ours."
September 5. From Dajed's mother, to BOES.ORG
"Dear Mr. Sandberg,
Yesterday we had an interview with the US Consular Officer, we were told that only one parent is allowed to go with the child for a medical treatment in the US. I'll be the only one who'll be flying with Dajed to New Jersey on Sept. 18 via Northwest Airlines. Erica will pick us up at the Newark Int'l Airport. I know that it's extraordinarilly stressful to travel alone with a sick kid for 21 hours but I'm sure that airlines personnel will be there to assist me."
"Until now, I still can't understand the depth of your commitment and dedication in helping the suffering children. In the midst of all our problems, it is so encouraging to know that there are people like you who will do the best for Dajed. You're always in our thoughts and prayers. God bless. Jenny"
Dajed will be admitted into the hospital on September 25.
Follow her, from Philippines to USA, and back again!
A Lifesaving Action in co-operation between BOES.ORG and Rotary District 7490, Gift of Life, in New Jersey U.S. and it's partners/supporters.
September 13. From Andrew J. Topp, Chairman, Rotary 7490, New Jersey, Gift of Life, to Sweden-based BOES.ORG After the awful terror-attacks.
"...we have an excellent view of the
NY skyline from our home--we began watching the twin towers about 15 minutes
after they were hit, watched them collapse from here. the smoke was and
still is tremendous. We had a prayer service at our church tonight."
"We don't even know if Dajed will be allowed to come in next Tues.. It looks unlikely. I am sure we will somehow get it all worked out. Let us continue to pray that justice and right will prevail. Keep up your good work. Yours in Rotary, Andy".