Save the Children Sweden, is since January 1997, one by a huge number of World wide NGO's, using BOES.ORG as a part of the own website.
"BOES.ORG is a project that can not be underestimated in terms of importance and
impact. The multilingual website deals with childrens right in a way that both
attracts and in a very serious way presents and explains questions of great
On an everyday basis we - beeing the childright's organisation that we are -
always informs the general public about the site, how to use it etc."
"The tremendous work that has been brought in the project deserves great
admiration and support. We - Save the Children, Sweden, are more than thankful
that BOES.ORG exists. It's one of the most important sources of information and
communication regarding childrens right's on a lokal, national and global level."
Stockholm, April 02, 2001
Per-Erik Åström
operating manager, former pressofficer
Save the Children, Sweden's Hotline against childpornography
