Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 11:49:46 -0700 (PDT)
To: BOES.ORG Children's Rights Across the World
"Dear Mr. Sandberg,
Praise and thanksgiving to all of you who are willing to reach out to those who are are burdened and in need.
As the attending pediatric cardiologist of Dajed and Faye, I am overwhelmed by how their needs are met through an organization like you and made possible thru internet access. I am so thankful, first to our Lord and next to you, for the great blessings they received thru you.Continue the good work and surely our Lord who sees and knows everything will continue to bless you and the rest of the organizations who are helping you out in this humanitarian cause."
"I was informed that the operation of Dajed was successful and right know recovering outside the hospital. She is due to have fallow-up in 2 weeks time and it is my prayer that they could come back to our country fully recovered after the check-up.
Once again, thank you so much for the great love and concern you have to those who are burdened and afflicted." Emmy C. Collado, M.D. Pediatric Cardiologist Philippine Heart Center
