Rotary District 7490, New Jersey, USA
Gift of Life doctors, who unselfishly give of their knowledge, skills, and compassion, have traveled world wide to educate local physicians in procedures and new technology. Dr. Joe Amato at Newark Children’s Hospital was the first in a list of surgeons and hospitals to donate their service to the Gift of Life Program. District 7490, and BOES.ORG, thank countless doctors, medical personnel, and hospitals for their service to Gift of Life, including, but certainly not limited to, the following contributors:
Deborah Heart & Lung Center
Dr. Lynn McGrath, Chairwoman,
Department of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
Mrs. Cheryl Zoppina
Children of the World
Montefiore Medical Center
Carl Steeg, Director
Dr. Henry J. Issenberg
Division of Pediatric Cardiology
Schneider Children’s Hospital
Dr. Hani A. Hennein
Assistant Professor of Surgery
St.Joseph’s Hospital & Medical Center
Teri Gatto, Director
Dr. Joe Amato
Newark Children's Hospital
Sponsoring Rotary Clubs and host families are the heart beat of the Gife of Life program.
Each involved individual opens up his or her heart and home to the child and family in need of services. The family lives with the local family for anywhere from three weeks to as long as nine months while the child is undergoing medical procedures. The community provides support while we feed, transport, share fear, joy, entertain, comfort, ease anxiety and occasionally suffer the pain of loss. Rotary and BOES.ORG salutes this great community effort.
The four way test
on the things we think
on the things we say
on the thing we do
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill & better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all involved?

How our Partnership started