August 21, 2002. Text cuts from www.rotary.org

"Nearly two years ago, the Gift of Life program of District 7490, New Jersey, USA, had an unusual problem on its hands. Many more Rotary clubs had come forward with offers of sponsoring children for heart surgery than there were referrals of patients needing medical attention."

"Erica Topp, executive secretary of the district's Gift of Life Foundation, turned to the Internet to find patients for the clubs on the waiting list. It so happened that the Sweden-based BOES.ORG, a children's rights nonprofit, had just posted an appeal on its Web site for assistance for a heart patient. Topp contacted the organization and eventually, District 7490 and BOES.ORG struck up a partnership called Internet Lifeline to improve the survival and quality of life of children with congenital heart disease living in poor countries. Internet Lifeline helps to locate and evaluate children in need of cardiac surgery and refers them to the District 7490 Gift of Life program for sponsorship. The lives of many patients have been saved as a result of this collaboration."

"Recently, Internet Lifeline qualified from among nearly 600 entries from 78 countries as one of 101 finalists in the prestigious Stockholm Challenge, which is an annual awards program for pioneering Information Technology (IT) projects with a great impact on people's lives. Participating projects showcase how IT can be applied to social welfare and healthcare programs, or as a tool in the promotion of democracy."

Rotary International News Basket, August 21, 2002: "Health project...."

BOES.ORG & Rotary Gift of Life 7490 - The Internet Lifeline

Stockholm Challenge Award 2002

BOES.ORG - Children's Rights Across the World - selected as a finalist the year of 2000