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Dear Sir/Madam: ![]() My husband died recently of Congestive Heart Failure due to Rheumatic Heart Disease, Nomveber 2, 2000. He was operated in 1984 at the age of 11 for Mitral Valve Replacement and was advised to undergo a second operation in 1997 and again in 1999. Because of financial constraint, we were not able to finance the said operation which resulted in his early demise. I am worried and afraid that Jerden might suffer the same fate as her father. I am doing everything I can to prevent this from happening that is why I tried searching the internet for kind hearted individuals or institutions who can help me with my daughter's predicament. The cost of the operation is more or less Php300,000.00 which made me go weak to the knees. My only source of income is the salary I receive working as a government employee here in Olongapo City Philippines but most of it is spent in sustaining the medicine and monthly check up of my daughter. Being among the millions who barely make ends meet, health care and delicate surgery is a privilege enjoyed only by the well to do here in the Philippines. I have e-mailed a number of foundations asking for anybody that could provide medical help and assistance but most just asked for requirements and have turned me down. That is why I turned to your website for assistance and help.