December-report from the Shao-han Fund *, USA
"The fund has ridiculously little in it. (under $500) Not enough for plane
fare certainly. We are counting on Air China to transport the family to
Los Angeles.
Nothing much is new in the situation, except that we have had dozens of
turn downs from hospitals and organizations. Finally UCLA children's
hospital agreed to take him on, but only for cash deposited on account.
So, we are fundraising. Money unfortunately may be the power that finally
launches this enterprise. We are still in limbo, waiting for the money to
come in, the visas to be issued and the family to arrive.
The pediatric cardiologist who will be seeing Shao-han is Dr. Juan Elejos".
December-mail from Shao-han's father Yongxin
Since Nov 6 together with his son and wife Han Dan
in China. Waiting for visa etc. to meet Dr. Juan Elejos
in USA.
China, Tuesday, December 30, 1997 2:28 AM
".... Please be happy for us because at 9:30 this
morning we have been permitted to go to USA and
will collect our visas next Monday.
I had been in a flurry, especially when we were
facing the interviewing female officer. After I
told her why we intended to go to USA, she glanced
at Shao-han and her eyes turned wet at once. She
said little to me after that and when I asked her
if we would be permitted to be in USA, she told me yes.
I don't know her name but I know she is certainly very
kind. Moreover, I did not know that Han Dan had been in
tears until I heard the precious yes and turned to her.
All of us know the value of these visas to Shao-han's
life except Shao-han himself. We know that now he has
got an opportunity to be saved if he is savable.
I believe he is savable ----
he cannot be anything but that.
We feel so sorry that at this moment no one among
Shao-han's savers can hear thank you from him, but I
believe he will give his thanks after he has grown up.
Please accept our deep thankfulness and pass on it to
many others who have helped us and are helping us.
Please understand that we do regard Shaohan as not only
our own son, but also yours.
And from the moment I asked for help to save Shao-han,
I have regarded my own life more as belonging to Shaohan,
his helpers and all this world than to myself.