Special protection for children
* children must not be abused
* children must not be exposed for hard and dangerous work
* children cannot be forced for sexual activities
* children cannot be sexually abused
* children cannot be exposed for sexual harassment
* children cannot be used for prostitution
* children cannot be used in pornographic materials
* children cannot be sold
* children cannot be convicted to life in prison
* children cannot be assigned a death penalty
* children must be protected against drug deal
* children must not be exposed to female sexual mutilation
The Convention is a powerful and important tool that everybody should be familiar with.
The Convention States should publish their reports for the public in their own countries.
Volunteer organizations have the possibility to report to the UN the application of the Convention.
The UN Committee's final observations must also be spread.
The Convention States pledge themselves also to make the decisions and principles of the Convention known to the public.
The Convention's real importance will depend on how widely known it will become and how much it will be used as a starting point in political and other pursuit for children. Therefore, its content being spread to a wide audience is important, not excluding, of course, the young generation either.