Urgent Action
Urgent Action - Chiapas

Your protest!

We ask you please write a letter to the Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, with a copy to the Permanent Comission of the Congress of the Union, demanding the dissolution of State Powers in Chiapas due to the crimes against humanity being perpetrated with the complicity of government officials. Letter may be directed to the following addresses:

Chiapas Child Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, President of the Republic
Palacio Nacional, C.P. 06067, Mexico City
Fax: (int)52 (5)516-5762 or 515-4783 , for national calls dial 91 instead of the international code 52

Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union
Legislative Palace, San Lazaro, México City, Mexico
Fax: (int)52 (5)522-7439 or 628-1300 x2033 , for national calls dial 91 instead of the international code 52

A sample of the letter, may be the following which the National Peace-Negotiating Comission (CONAI) sent to: President Zedillo.
C. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon, President of the Republic of Mexico

Yesterday, the 22nd of December, 1997, many tzotzil families were massacred in the community of Acteal in the municipality of Chenalho, Chiapas at the hands of paramilitary groups bearing arms such as M-16, of exclusive military use. The toll of this heinous crime includes: 45 persons killed, amongst them 14 children; and a large number of persons wounded, the great majority being women.

These kinds of grave incidents, only serve to move us further away from any path toward a peace dialog. Rather, it pushes Chiapas and the rest of the country towards an uncontrolable spiral of violence and war, impossible to detain or deny.

For that, the CONAI respectfully requests:

  1. That you exercise all of the forces within the Constitution of the Republic in order to serve the Legislative Powers a Presidential Decree declaring the Dissolution of State Powers in Chiapas, in addition to the investigation and the arrest of Government Officials found to have some responsability in the massacre.
  2. The detention and arrest of the members of paramilitary groups involved with the bloodshed in Acteal, and the dismantling of these groups and the detention of the participants who continue to act with impunity in Chiapas.
  3. To create the political conditions necessary to resolve the root causes of the conflict, and absolute compliance of the signed agreements in San Andres.


Samuel Ruiz Garcia, Concepcion Calvillo Vda. de Nava, Pablo Gonzalez Casanova, Oscar Oliva, Juan Bañuelos, Raymundo Sanchez Barraza

Christmas in Mexico     Update A     Update B     Update C
Update D - International Action Day, Jan 12     Update E     Update F