Yuschenko Nadiya "Nadya" Mykolaevna, born Sept. 17, 1990 in Kiev, Ukraine
Kulchitska Antonina "Tonya" Vitalievna, born Aug.2, 1990, in Kiev, Ukraine
Incoming e-mail, September 23, 2002

"On June 10, 2002 two young girls (both age 12) disappeared from the playground in front of their building. Here are the particulars: early in the afternoon, both girls left their apartments and went playing. They were biking in the neighborhood."


"One of the mothers called one of the girls on her cell phone at approximately 16:00, however there was no answer. Both parents alarmed by the situation went searching for their kids. At 19:00, they reported the incident to the local police.
The girls names are Antonina 'Tonya' Kulchitska and Nadiya 'Nadya' Yuschenko. Both the girls speak Russian and Ukrainian, they attended the same school in Kyiv #314 and both lived in the same building".
"They have not been seen since that date. The local police claimed that they investigated the case, however, with no results".

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