Thank You all ! S2Communications OneTech Stendahls4
Halldins Datatext |
Convention-texts from:
Belgisch Comité voor Unicef
Comitato Italiano per l'Unicef
Dansk Unicef Komite, Copenhagen
Finnish Child Welfare Association, Helsinki
Redd Barna Norge, Oslo
Rädda Barnen Sverige, Stockholm
Red Barnet Denmark, Copenhagen
Unicef, Ankara
United Nations Nordic, Copenhagen
United Nations, Copenhagen
United Nations, New York
United Nations, London
Utrikesdepartementet (UD), Stockholm |
Thank You ! Danish version - word for word textrewriting to PC-file: Anne Katrine Windfeld, proofreading: Niels Christian Møller Finnish version - part of text, w.f.w. textrewriting and proofreading: Juhani Laalo
English non-convention texts - translations/proofreadings: Ildiko Vancsa, Canada |
French version - w.f.w. rewrite: Agnieszka Dylak, w.f.w. rewrite and proof-read: Sofia Jacobsson
German version - w.f.w. rewrite and p-read: Helena Bengtsson,
Spanish version - w.f.w. rewrite and p-read: |