Human Rights

External Links - Human Rights and other

Please bear in mind that all the information at all the external linked sites
is not controlled by BOES.ORG and may not represent the BOES.ORG's views.

Africa Needs You! Prepare yourself here

Amnesty International Finland

American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS

Amnesty International Macau - South China

Amnesty International USA

Amnesty International, International Secretariat

Amnesty International Asia Pacific Links

Amnesty International World wide Links

Andrew Lee Jones Fund

Australian Human Rights and Civil Rights Papers
Multilingual UN-Conventions Child Rights / HumanRights

Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Casa Alianza

Childrens House

Closing the Circle

Stop Climate Changes, Friends of the Earth

Committee to Protect Journalists

Derechos Human Rights

DIANA Human Rights Database

Dokuments, Human Rights

Dying Rooms Trust

Electronic Frontier Foundation

ECPAT, Belgium (End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism)


ECPAT, Sverige

File Room: A Record of Censored Works

Fourth World Documentation Project

Globträdet / The Globetree

Human Rights Gopher

Human Rights in Argentina

Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch, Spanish

Human Rights research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa

Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Web

Inside-Outside: Pen Pals for Prisoners

International Committee of the Red Cross

International Student Festival in Trondheim

Koigi wa Wamwere homepage

LandMines - STOP

Landmines' Goliath the invisible, US

Lawyer's Committee for Human Rights

Lori Berenson Webpage

Mahatma Gandhi Research and Media Service

Multilateral Documents and Conventions

OneWorld Online


PEN International Writer's Union

Physicians for Human Rights

Political Action resources

Reinventing America

Den Reisende Høgskole

Rights and Wrongs TV programme US

Rädda Barnen, Sverige

Red Barnet, Danmark

Stop Prisoner Rape

United Nations

United Nations Gopher

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

University of Nottingham Student Human Rights Law Centre

US State Department Human Rights Practices Reports

Women's International Center

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