Universities in Cooperation
Canada - Netherlands - Sweden - UK
Excellent example how to use BOES.ORG,
our Multilingual UN Documents, and other webresources, by internetlinks.
Exercise 2 - CRC
Exercise 3.3 - Rights discourse
Index of key web sites
Online Education A
Child Welfare across borders
an eight session course developed by:
Dalhousie University, Canada
Hogeschool Brabant, Netherlands
McMaster University, Canada
University of Southampton, UK
University of Stockholm, Sweden
University of Victoria, Canada
Social work agencies in each country
User Guide
1. Introduction
2. Key themes and virtual communities
3. A social justice framework in child welfare practice
4. Poverty and social exclusion in child welfare
5. Child abuse and exploitation
6. Displaced, dispossessed and moving child populations
7. Child welfare on the web - a critical enquiry
8. Towards a Globalised Child Welfare
Course author: Julia Waldman
Some other examples below. How do you prefer to use BOES.ORG by internetlinks and/or WAP-links? From your University, from your Company, from your Organization, from your College, or from your Local Government?
Online Education
Human Rights
by Amnesty International, USA
"What Does a Child Need?"
"Children's Rights Here and Now"
Online Education
Language, HR
Strathclyde University
BUBL Information Service
Glasgow, Scotland
Lyngbjerggaardskolen, Denmark
Education and information from local governments
"Action taken for children in need of special support and children's learning, in focus"