-In doing so we shall, according to the Declaration and Agenda for Action, call upon all sectors of society concerned, to join forces and to cooperate at national, regional and international levels.
-We owe this to the children that have been abused, tortured and even killed by sex offenders and to the children who are at risk of becoming victims.
-But we also owe it to ourselves if we want to call this world a civilized one.
-This modern form of slavery has to be stopped!
Her Majesty Queen Silvia
from the World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
We can all do something by showing the courage to stand up for what we
believe and by speaking out.
What will you do to spread the word about these documents that are
in different languages
from OneWorld Partner BOES.ORG?
To be or not to be?
Ask abused children everywhere!
Ask them what it would mean to them if the Convention on the Rights of the Child
were widely adopted and used
Ask each and every one of them about indescribable hell.
Ask them about hope. You will see the answer deep in their eyes,
imagining the difference between words on paper and words in action.
BOES.ORG's multilingual web project, "Children's Rights Across the World"
is now being given a real chance, through the One World Partnership.
So are the abused and the not-yet-abused who have the right to a civilized
Our children and our children's children
and also the children of many generations to come
will be forced to bear the burden
that you and I have unloaded and left behind
Visit the CHOGM-site at www.oneworld.org/chogm97/
These four pages also in work from CHOGM. Raodmap:
"People to People" - "Points of View"
"Children's Rights Across the World"