Letter from Eden Sampang, June 20, 2002. My apologies for not updating Jerden's site, I was too busy attending to my office loads which I have left undone before. I do hope that it still possible todate. I may not able to do things in as much as I want to because of certain things beyond my limit but I just want to let you know how I appreciate everything you've done to me. BIG THANK YOU Bo Sandberg and BOES.ORG, I truly salute you not only for creation and administration of Jerden's website (where my plea for Jerden's ailment was viewed/read and reach the hearts of many) but also for believing in me when almost all others doubted. It is your unselfish efforts that driven me to go on, when all along I thought my one greatest wish for Jerden almost turned to nothing. Your belief in me motivates me to give life a second chance. You just don't know how you molded me to be strong when I almost faint and loose hope. Your determination and eagerness to help me made me realized that God uses you as one of His resources in the fulfillment of that one greatest wish...and yes indeed... there is light! GOL Committee- Thank you for passing/accepting Jerden's chart on your evaluation. You have not only extended little Jerden's life but most, brought us back the 'family' I have almost given up after those worst experiences we've been through. Truly your aim of reaching out for children across the world with heart ailment offers a great help especially to those (like us) who could not afford the cost of the surgery, more so if the child's case is inoperable (could not be done) to one's country. Topp Family- (especially to Erica and Rev. Andy) I will forever be very grateful to you for everything you've done for us. It is true that the Lord is near to those who are discourged and saves those who have lost all hope, when you answered back my first email with a positive response I was enlightened that there still hope. My deepest gratitude also for sticking it out with us after the Embassy incident. Rev. Topp, you are such an excellent model to your children! Indeed, the best example parents can give to their children is the kind of life they live. Abenoja Family- my heartfelt thanks to the entire family for accommodating us while we were still in the US. Thank you for treating us like your own family. To Mrs. Henrietta Abenoja, thank you for sharing with me your spiritual views and advises. For acting as a mother to me, you just know when and how to approach at the right time, when there are times you see/feel the loneliness,heartaches, emptiness in me. In spite of being tired for the whole day work yet you still find time to comfort and talk to me.To Mr.Romeo Abenoja, thank you so much for being a father to Jerden even for a short period of time, but that was the most precious moment for her. You were the only father known and will be remembered by Jerden!The gratituted is mine for giving her the chance to feel how to be taken cared and loved by a father she has never met. Until now its been you whom be would always want to see, play and go some places with. Thanks for that wonderful experience with Jerden! Bergenfield/Dumont Rotary Club- I will forever be grately to all the Rotarians who raised funds/financed Jerden's surgery in the US! Thank you so much for such a wonderful previlege given to my daughter! Now, Jerden lives a very normal and happy life! Mr. Bob Markarian- PP, Chairman, GOL Foundation, Thank you for visiting us at the Abenoja's. I would like you to know that I really appreciate everything you said about life! Thanks for all the support and kind words you said. Mr. Frederick Schoenfeld-Bergenfield/Dumont Rotary Club, thanksfor everything! My appreciation also for accompanying us at the Montefiore Med. Ctr. and do things that needs to be done for Jerden's admission. Dr. Henry Issenberg- My sincerest thanks for positive and speedy evaluation of Jerden's chart! You're one of a kind and Iam truly grateful to you! As I've promised, I will send you Jerden's picture (with you) and card every Christmas! Dr. Gregory Crooke- When you told me not to worry bec. Jerden's case is 100% safe, I completely trusted you, I knew then that my daughter's life is in good hands! Right after the surgery when you told that everything went great, thats, truly is amazing! Thank you so much! Dr Rudy Alconga- Thank you for giving Jerden extra care and attention! I will never forget the kindness you are showing.giving to not only to Jerden but as well to Joie. Thank you also for 'parenting' advises, and for those free medicines which at times (I know you feel) I could not afford to buy because of Jerden's other medicines. Thank you also for always giving me assurance/positive response whenever Jerden is being admitted/confined at the hospital. Most of all thank you for being always 'there'/available for Jerden! My appreciation also for reffering us to Dr. Juliet Balderas Dr.Juliet Balderas- Thank you for reffering us to Saves A Child's Heart Foundation (were you're also a member)which recommended us to Northwest Airlines Kindcares Program. And also for taking care of Jerden. Mr. Alvin Murriel & Mr. Willie Arguelles-Saves A Child's Heart Foundation, thank you for helping us get a free trip tickets to NWA. Its was a great help! NorthWest Ailines/Northwest Kidcares Program- My heartfelt thanks for granting a free roundtrip tickets for us! Your program offers a great help especially to those like us who barely afford the cost of trip tickets going abroad on a free medical purpose. Jenny Montojo- I will never forget those comforting words and advises during the times when I almost gave up. Thank you also for listening most especially during the weakest point of life. I forever value the friendship we shared! Donna Cueto- Phil Daily Inquirer, my sincerest gratitude for featuring Jerden's (our) story. It helped a lot, that made 'all things' possible for Jerden. Mr. Patt Stuart- US Embassy, Visa Chief, thank you for reconsidering our visas! Thank you also for such a nice call that Saturday evening, I will never forget that! You were one of those who made all things possible for Jerden! Ate Linda/Kuya Manny- Thank you for always visiting us, especially Jerden! Thank you also for all the toys/dress you bought for Jerden! Ms. Aster/Ms. Gloria-Philipino Placement Agency, Thank you for being so kind to us! SBMA Officials/Employees- Thank you for everything! Donna/Rommel Flores- You were my most treasured friends! I love you both! Grace Obedicen- You are the wind beneath my wings! Iam so blessed for having you as a friend! Magie/Mhel Ong- I really never expected you will still find time to go to NYC for us! Mahal mo talaga ako/kami. Marilyn, Lanie, Merlina & Marissa Thanks for all the support and love! Dely Gasataya & family - Thank you for being a mother and a friend!
To all others who have touched our hearts, thank you
somuch for all the prayers and support. I may not be
able to mention all your names but in heart and mind I
will never forget all the good deeds you've done to
us. ![]() ![]() ![]()